About Us

VegOut World:
Join us as we explore the culinary world from a vegetarian’s perspective.

First stop: Washington DC (since we conveniently live here)!  We will not only review vegetarian establishments but also search for the vegetarian friendly jewels on the menus of restaurants around the city. We both love exploring new cuisines and new places and we are excited to share this adventure with our family and friends. We already do this in conversation so we thought we might as well start a blog.

We will try anything once (probably twice for quality control) as long as it is vegetarian and we will attempt to provide an entertaining write-up about each place we go to.

Looking for a good vegetarian restaurant in the area? Wondering if the restaurant you are going to has vegetarian options that are at least edible? Check out our blog, post your own comments/reviews, and suggest places we should try out. From street carts to fancy (ish) restaurants, off the beaten path gems to chain restaurants, hole in the wall spots to fine establishments – we hope to explore all of the vegetarian goodness this world has to offer.

Who Are We?

Aparna has been vegetarian her whole life and loves eating but not cooking (yet). Karthik is a born-again vegetarian who tried anything (almost) once but is now vegetarian. He is also the better cook. We hope to provide you with an interesting and useful perspective. We do not claim to be experts on any of this but we both enjoy eating, sharing, and connecting with other people and we are looking forward to developing ourselves through this process.

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